All 156 /Application 5 /Aquaculture 1 /Aquaread Products 3 /Batteries (in-situ) 2 /Cables (in-situ) 3 /CTD Loggers 4 /Desiccant (Aquatest) 1 /Desiccant (in-situ) 2 /Device Communication (in-situ) 3 /Drinking Water 7 /Electrochemical Sensors 7 /FloSeries3 Cards for XCi Devices 6 /Flow Monitoring Systems 4 /Flow Sensors 4 /Ground Water 7 /Handhelds 2 /Heron 3 /Heron Conductivity / Temperature Water Level Meters 1 /Heron Oil / Water Interface Meters 2 /Heron Water Level Meters 6 /In-Situ 1 /In-Situ Accessories 4 /Industrial Water 6 /Ion Selective Probes 2 /Level TROLL 500 (Accessories) 5 /Manufacturer 7 /Methods of Deployment 1 /Monitoring Stations 2 /Multiparameter Sondes 2 /Optical sensors 2 /Other 7 /Palintest 3 /Palintest Drinking, Waste & Process Water 10 /Palintest Pool and Spa 4 /Performance Level TROLLs 2 /Photos 1 /pipe::scan con::cube 2 /pipe::scan page 5 /Pool & Spa 4 /Practical Rugged TROLLs 3 /Process Probes 3 /Professional Level TROLLs 3 /s::can 8 /s::can monitoring stations 4 /s::can Terminals and Software 4 /Services 5 /Spectrometer Probes 8 /Standard Performance Pumps 1 /Support & Education 2 /Surface Water 6 /Terminals & Software 4 /Videos 8 /Waste Water 9 /Water Level 2 /Water Level Tapes & Meters 4 /Waterra 2

WSP-12V-1 (Cyclone)

Which In-Situ Cable Do I Need? Explained
Webinars and Courses

WebComm Card
Provides XCi devices the ability to automatically upload internal logged data to the web-based MACE Data Server or HydroVu Data Services via mobile telephone networks.


Water Tape
The economical water tape is used for measuring static water levels in wells, boreholes and standpipes. The water tape will signal water with a visual (LED) signal and an auditory (beep) allowing the user to measure accurate to 1/100’ or to each mm. A carry case comes included to protect your instrument from the elements.

Water Level

Waste Water

Vented vs Non-Vented In-Situ Probes Explained

uv::lyser V3
The uv::lyser V3 monitors Turbidity or TSS and 4 freely chosen wavelengths.

TROLL Replaceable Battery Pack
Replaceable battery pack that supplements internal battery power for Level TROLL, Aqua TROLL, or BaroTROLL Data Loggers.

TROLL Communication Device
Connect a Level TROLL, Aqua TROLL, or TROLL 9500 to a PC or RuggedReader.

TROLL Cable Extender
Join two lengths of RuggedCable System without signal loss.

TROLL Battery Pack
Supplements internal battery power for Level TROLL, Aqua TROLL, or BaroTROLL Data Loggers.

TROLL 9500 Multiparameter Sonde
Custom multiparameter sonde with internal power and data logging.

Terminals and Software

Surface Water

Standard Performance Pumps

Spectrometer Probes
Robust, pre-calibrated, submersible spectrometer probes measuring optical spectra from 190 - 750 nm.

spectro::lyser V3
spectro::lyser™ UV-Vis monitors the full range of s::can spectral optical parameters.

spectro::lyser titanium pro
The titanium pro is ideal for industrial wastewater, desalination, and sea water.

spectro::lyser industrial ATEX
ATEX explosion proof and suitable for hazardous environments.

soli::lyser I monitors TS, TSS and MLSS.

Soil Monitoring

smarTROLL RDO Handheld
Check dissolved oxygen levels instantly using your mobile device. Virtually no training required, and no calibration needed.

smarTROLL Multiparameter Handheld
Check 14 water quality parameters in seconds by using your mobile device. Email data on the spot.

smarTROLL Cable
Connects a smarTROLL MP or smarTROLL RDO Handheld Probe to the smarTROLL Battery Pack.

The Sm.OIL oil/water interface meter has the same functionality of the H.OIL oil/water interface meter. This compact unit only comes in one tape length (20m or 60’) on a small hand held frame designed for easy portability.

The SKINNY DIPPER water level meter is ideal for measuring static water levels in narrow wells, boreholes, tubes and piezometers. The slim line tape and ¼†probe enable users to take readings while the pump is still in the well, whereas wider tapes may get tangled. The premium padded carry case comes included to protect your precision instrument from the elements.

Setting up Auto-Cleaning with s::can’s con::cube

SDI-12 Master Card
Provides XCi devices with the ability to control and log SDI-12 sensors.

SA1100 Scanning Analyzer
The SA1100 Scanning Analyzer delivers USEPA-approved field measurement of lead. Also available for copper testing. This robust, portable instrument features unique, disposable sensor technology.

s::can Terminals and Software
Powerful s::can software and compact terminals with extensive connection capability.

s::can Monitoring Stations
Modular, compact, versatile, and featuring powerful s::can sensors.


RuggedReader Handheld PC
Durable field computer for data collection.

Provides real-time data communication for In-Situ instruments.

Rugged Water Level Tape 200
Engineer-grade water level tape. Available in feet and meters.

Rugged Water Level Tape 100
Economical water level tape. Available in feet and meters.

Rugged TROLL 200 Data Logger
Records water level, pressure, and temperature. Non-vented only options available. Use for real-time data applications.

Rugged TROLL 200 Communication Device
Communicates between a Rugged TROLL 200 or Rugged BaroTROLL and a computer or RuggedReader Handheld PC.

Rugged TROLL 100 Data Logger
Records water level, pressure, and temperature. Non-vented only options available. Periodic data download.

Rugged Oil-Water Interface Meter
Intrinsically safe LNAPL and DNAPL meter. Available in feet and meters.

Rugged Conductivity/Temperature/Depth Meter
Conductivity, temperature, and depth meter. Available in feet and meters.

Rugged Baro TROLL Data Logger
Records barometric pressure to compensate for changes in water level due to barometric fluctuations.

Replacement Desiccant Tube
Desiccant tube for enclosures

Rental and Leasing

The redo::lyser monitors ORP & temperature.

RDO Titan Process Probe
Measures dissolved oxygen and temperature in process applications.

RDO PRO-X Dissolved Oxygen Probe
Low maintenance optical measurement of dissolved oxygen and temperature in process applications.

Pulse I/O Card
Powers (+5VDC or + 12VDC) a single pulsing flow sensor and provides a pulse output.

Pressure Transducers
Accurate, reliable 4-20 mA pressure measurements for long-term monitoring.

Pooltest 9 Bluetooth
Including the nine most important pool and spa parameters, water quality testing has never been so simple or connected.

Pooltest 6
Accurate photometric pool testing for service engineers and pool managers, the Pooltest 6 provides simple and effective analysis in all circumstances.

Pooltest 3
Measure the key parameters required to protect swimming pools with an accurate and easy-to-use photometer.

Pooltest 25 Bluetooth
Designed for the pool professional, take complete control with the most comprehensive range of test parameters in a pool photometer. Supplied in a variety of kit formats and now with Bluetooth SMART connectivity.

Pool & Spa

Pontoon Deployment

Real-time disinfection and organics monitoring in the distribution network.

Photometer 8000 Instrument
Equally at home in the laboratory or in the field, the Photometer 8000 is a sophisticated yet easy-to-use multiparameter photometer.

Photometer 7500 Bluetooth
The Photometer 7500 Bluetooth is the basis of our most popular water testing kits due its versatility and its simple to use interface. It's designed to provide laboratory accuracy in a multiparameter photometer suitable for a number of applications including drinking water, wastewater/effluent or process water.

Photometer 7100
Simple to use, built for hard work and ready for on-site or portable analysis, the water quality data produced enables critical water quality decisions to be made with confidence. Whether you need a water test kit for drinking water, wastewater/effluent or environmental analysis, the Photometer 7100 provides the complete range of test parameters in a waterproof package.

The pH::lyser measures pH and temperature.

The peroxy::lyser is an amperometric sensor for monitoring peracetic acid.

Palintest SA1100 Scanning Analyzer Overview/How to

Palintest Pooltest 6 Overview

Palintest Pool and Spa

Palintest Drinking, Waste and Process Water
Drinking water testing products, wastewater and surface water analysis equipment and a range of kits to serve a diverse set of applications.

Palintest Compact Chlorometer Duo Overview/How to

Palintest Compact Ammonia Duo Overview/How to
Our overview/How to on Palintest's Ammonia Duo.

Palintest Accessories


ozo::lyser V3
The ozo::lyser V3 is ideal for measurement of TSS, turbidity and ozone in water.

oxi::lyser II monitors disolved oxygen & temperature

Optical sensors
Reliable and accurate measurement of DO, TS, TSS and MLSS with temperature compensation.

nitro::lyser V3
The nitro::lyser is a specialized instrument for measuring nitrate and turbidity in water.

The nano::station is a low cost, compact, complete water monitoring solution.

multi::lyser V3
The multi::lyser is a specialized instrument that combines the parameters of the carbo::lyser and nitro::lyser.

Monitoring Stations

Monitoring & Data Storage

s::can's revolutionary new software.

micro::station (Waste Water)
The fully modular micro::station combines s::can instruments in a compact and versatile system.

micro::station (Drinking Water)
The fully modular micro::station combines s::can instruments in a compact and versatile system.

Little Dipper
The little dipper is a hand held unit designed for easy portability used to measure static and falling head levels in wells and boreholes. In order to keep this unit compact, it is only available in one tape length, 75’ or 22m. The premium padded carry case comes included to protect your precision instrument from the elements.

Level TROLL 700H Data Logger
Meets the OSW Surface-Water Specification. Records water level, pressure, and temperature. Vented only.

Level TROLL 700 Data Logger
Specialized for aquifer characterization. Records water level, pressure, and temperature. Vented and non-vented.

Level TROLL 500 Data Logger
Increased accuracy. Records water level, pressure, and temperature in sub-1 inch applications. Vented only.

Level TROLL 400 Data Logger
Records water level, pressure, and temperature. Non-vented only.

Large Desiccant (Titanium Connector)
Protects instruments and cables during deployments.

Ion Selective Probes
Measure multiple water quality parameters continuously and directly.

Industrial Water

I/O (input/output) Card
Supports seven sensor inputs and four control outputs including 4-20mA, voltage and digital.

The miniature multi-parameter spectrometer revolutionizing online water quality monitoring.

The hyper::lyser is an amperometric sensor for monitoring hydrogen peroxide.

HydroMace XCi
Monitors inputs ranging from flumes and weirs, water quality sensors and rainfall gauges, drinking water flows (leak detection), and weather stations.

Advanced spectrum signal processing produces superior results under a wide range of hydraulic operating conditions.

How to use the ChloroSense by Palintest

High Performance Pumps

Heron Water Level Meters
Accurate and durable water level measuring instruments for groundwater professionals, and rural property owners worldwide.

Heron Oil / Water Interface Meters
Heron Conductivity / Temperature Water Level Meters


The H.OIL oil, water interface meter is used to measure the interface level between two liquids in the same tank, vessel, well or aquifer. The dissimilar density of two liquids means the lower density, non-conductive product (LNAPL) will float on top of the higher density, conductive liquid (water). Denser products will tend to sink (DNAPL), creating a layer under the water. The premium padded carry case comes included to protect your precision instrument from the elements.

Ground Water

Frac Water Station

fluor::lyser II monitors fluoride and temperature

Flow Meters

FloSI Card
Provides an SDI-12 or ModBus output to interface an XCi device to SCADA systems.

FloPro XCi
Measures flow as well as conductivity, pH and rainfall, and can utilize a downward looking ultrasonic depth sensor to measure pond levels.

Extra Large Desiccant (Titanium)
Protects instruments and cables during extended or humid deployments.

Electrochemical Sensors
Electrochemical sensors from s::can - high precision in the most adverse conditions.

EchoFlo Ultrasonic Depth Sensor
Features patented Digital Signal Processor (DSP) technology that allows level measurement in a limited space.

Drinking Water

Doppler Ultrasonic Velocity Sensor
Measures velocity in full pipes when access to the pipe is available and the pipe can be emptied when installation/maintenance is required.

Doppler Ultrasonic Insert Velocity Sensor
Measures velocity and requires access to the outside wall of the pipe in which the sensor is to be mounted.

Doppler Ultrasonic Area/Velocity Sensor
Measures depth (using a capacitive pressure diaphragm) and velocity. Access to the monitoring point is required for installation and maintenance.

Doppler Card
Provides the input for connecting MACE Doppler ultrasonic velocity sensors.

The dipper-Tough is a rugged, top quality instrument used for measuring static and falling head levels in waste disposal and remediation sites and other harsh environments.

The economical dipper-Tag is a multi-purpose unit designed for use when installing or monitoring wells.

We have full confidence in the reliability and durability of the dipper-T Water Level Meter and back up that confidence with a five-year warranty. We know our materials are top quality and our rigorous quality control methods leave no doubt - this is the most reliable water level meter available. We use the best available heavy duty tape (tested by the manufacturer to ensure compliance with appropriate ASME standards) with a breaking load of over 300 pounds (150 kilos). The tape is made from stretch resistant, high tensile steel.

Device Communication



conductivity plus
The conductivity plus enables accurate measurements of conductivity, water levels and temperatures in wells, boreholes, stand pipes and estuaries where salt water intrusion and contamination levels become a concern.

The condu::lyser is a temperature compensated conductivity probe.

con::nect V3
Power supply and network connection for the spectro::lyser V3.

The terminal con::lyte displays the readings of all s::can probes & sensors connected on site via backlight LCD.

con::cube V3
con::cube - a compact, versatile terminal for data acquisition and station control.

Compact Turbimeter
ISO7027 compliant measurement of turbidity in drinking water, wastewater and surface water with Total Suspended Solids (TSS) capability.

Compact Ozone Meter
The Compact Ozone meter provides ozone testing using the DPD method in a waterproof, portable instrument. Ideal for drinking water, wastewater treatment and bottled water production.

Compact Chlorometer Duo
For true field versatility, the Compact Chlorometer Duo cannot be beaten, delivering dual range chlorine analysis for the widest variety of applications.

Compact Ammonia Duo Meter
Measure ammonia and ammonium in drinking water, wastewater or environmental samples with the widest choice of working ranges.


The simplest water test kit available for measuring free or total chlorine. Portable, as accurate as DPD and now an US EPA approved method.

chlori::lyser monitors free chlorine or total chlorine.

Measure chlorine dioxide with optimal precision and accuracy in drinking water, institutional hygiene, cooling tower and food manufacturing applications.

The chlodi::lyser is an amperometric sensor for monitoring chlorine dioxide.
Case Studies

carbo::lyser V3
The carbo::lyser is ideal for the measurement of organic carbon load in water.

Calibration and Repair




Baro TROLL Data Logger
Records barometric pressure to compensate for changes in water level due to barometric fluctuations.


Aquaread Water Quality Probes

Aquaread Water Level Probes

Aquaread Accessories


Aqua TROLL 600 Multiparameter Sonde
Flexible multiparameter sonde with smartphone interface. Suitable for all applications.

Aqua TROLL 400 Multiparameter Probe
All-in-one multiparameter process probe designed to measure 12 water parameters.

Aqua TROLL 200 Data Logger
Measures and records water level & pressure, conductivity, and temperature. Vented or non-vented.

Aqua TROLL 100 Data Logger
Measures and records conductivity and temperature.

ammo::lyser eco/pro
Can monitor NH4-N, temperature, pH, and nO3-N

AgriFlo XCi
Monitors inputs as diverse as irrigation flows, farm wastewater flows, water quality, dam levels, soil moisture, and pump/engine management systems.

Recent Blog News
- Effluent monitoring – A brewing opportunityMay 27, 2020 - 2:21 pm
- The Brand New Spectro::lyser V3January 29, 2020 - 4:31 pm
- Aquahive – Smart Water Monitoring SolutionOctober 25, 2018 - 9:46 am
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